Sanitation & Personal Hygiene in survivalism

Proper sanitation and hygiene eliminated deadly diseases like cholera and disease, and paved the way for the introduction of a large and sophisticated system of structures and infrastructures which have revolutionized our lives. Now we just turn on the tap or flush the commode and viola’ we have water to drink and waste water .

Today we benefit from a public health system that stands as a continuous watch dog to make certain that our sanitation, hygiene and living needs are met. The hidden danger in organic and man-made disasters is not too much in the real events, which is usually what makes all of the information , but at the aftermath of these events.

Do not lose sight of where you are going and why. Having a clear objective will help you stay motivated and positive. Additionally, it will help your family in precisely the identical way. Let them know where you are going, how you plan to get there, and what they have to do to help, remind them every step takes them nearer to security.

 The most important of those consequences is disruptions in sanitation and personal hygiene, consequences that transport us back to a time when lack of sanitation was a main cause of death and disease.

Things you should be thinking about to prepare for the big one if it clean up on your shores:


1 Clean Water. You must have clean water for drinking, washing and cleaning during a prolonged disruption in infrastructure. Most experts concur that the average person requires two gallons per day of water for drinking and cleaning.

Including water for washing in addition to removing waste, remember that most bathrooms require three gallons to flush. We suggest that you maintain at least seven days water storage to your loved ones, seven days times two gallons times the amount of people in your household. A thirty-day distribution is even better.

2 Emergency Preparedness Kit. Individuals, households and businesses should maintain emergency preparedness kits and Disaster Survival Gear on hand which include the essential cleanliness, cleanliness, and survival gear and equipment that will assist you keep a safe survivalism quality of living should you be asked to live off the grid  for an elongated time period. Most standard Emergency Preparedness Kits include bathrooms, toilet bags, antibacterial gels, sanitation wipes, soaps and other sanitation or hygiene requirements.

3 Non-perishable Food. Keep in mind, a part of appropriate hygiene and sanitation is food that does not spoil and expose us to the risk of deadly food borne ailments. The best foods for Long-term storage and emergency preparedness are the ones which are ready to eat and do not require refrigeration, such as dehydrated foods, army Meals Ready to Eat, canned meats, power bars.

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